Promoting Diversity Paper

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Promoting Diversity In this day and age, workplace diversity is expected and essential. Many organizations and employees feel awkward while talking about diversity or incorporating it within their organization. Promoting Diversity in the Workplace (Williams, 2011) states that businesses realize that diversity is increasing in popularity and recognize the necessity. Diversity overview will be provided; article analysis of promoting diversity; and how diversity relates to the course. Topic Overview Diversity is indispensable within organizations. Employers recognize the long term benefits and looks for ways to incorporate them in the organizations. Williams (2011) advise us that the following data must be collected from the employees: “gender, race, disability and age.” Some additional information may be required to ensure a workplace is well diverse: “data regarding sexual orientation, gender identity, religion and belief.” The…show more content…
He felt there was a requirement to make women feel comfortable and he did this by opening a day-care facility with a special lactation rooms. In University of California, Davis, offers diversity workshops to all employees that covers “understanding sexual orientation and gender identity; unconscious bias in the workplace; and stereotypes that affect the behavior of women and other groups.” California State University, Fullerton is promoting diversity by accomplishes a video where employees can provide their diversity and how it relates to the job. Additionally, they have a mixer to promote communication about diversity during workday. California State University, Fresno is promoting diversity by hosting a daylong diversity forum for both employees and students. Keith Caver leads an inclusivity practice with human resource firm said, “Illuminate those areas where there may be gaps that actually hinder
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