Theodore Roosevelt: The Leader Of The Progressive Movement

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Unlike other people, Progressives wanted change and took action for it, they demanded change. Although, their power was limited they continued to seek change. Progressivism came about in or around the late 19th century to the early 20th century. Their goals were simple but were of great significance to them and the public. These goals were to change how labor and living conditions were, what many families had to tolerate. They also visioned change in the government, to cleanse it of its corruption and its greed. Government regulation was also another main goal which simply asked for government control of big businesses. They pursued all these changes through to an extent of how much of an impact their actions really had. The first and foremost…show more content…
The madness of this kind of corruption had already sparked something that enraged the public until President Theodore Roosevelt took charge. He led the public and the progressive party of his to new directions. Roosevelt created the “square deal” that made it so corporations and citizens were equal to create a fairness. Roosevelt (1903) thought that "We must treat each man on his worth and merits as a man. We must see that each is given a square deal, because he is entitled to no more and should receive no less." No doubt, the square deal was surely a progressive movement because it meant change in conservation of resources, regulation of business monopolies, enforcement of the Anti-Trust Act, and overall just supported progressive ideas. This proved to be a successful campaign that balanced out businesses and managed overall economic regulation. Slowly depleting powers such as political machines and the surely angered industrial giants. This square deal of Theodore Roosevelt also satisfied many progressives in that their efforts to a better overall society were not in

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