Central Cord Syndrome: A Case Study

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My disability was due to being in a severe car accident, while not wearing a seatbelt. I was jolted forward so sharply that my spine was damaged, between my c3 and c4 cervical vertebrae. The disability really depends on the part of the spine that was damaged, and how severely. In my case I have Central Cord Syndrome, where the injury is located in the center of the spine. Center Cord Syndrome can result in loss of function in the arm, and limited to no function in lower extremities; such as the leg (Newsome & Melton, 2015). My brain consequently cannot send messages throughout my body properly, and as a result I’m a hemiplegic. My abilities at the beginning were limited, because I had lost a lot of my strength from the accident. I could still…show more content…
An example would be that as I said before lifting has now become something that I can no longer do as efficiently as before. From lifting small items to large items, I would have to try and accommodate their weight using my affected leg, which was not easy. I wasn’t able to lift my dogs the same as I used to be able to do when I wasn’t disabled. Even bending over to reach them was a very uncomfortable nerve wreaking problem. Furthermore to groom my dogs they need to be on a table, so that I can see their fur properly, I couldn’t lift them up and even if I had someone else do it, I couldn’t cut their fur the same way. My dogs are my biggest hobby, they make me happy and joyous, and so this was very depressing. When training the dogs I had physical limitations also, because walking them wasn’t a possibility. Show dogs need to learn to walk straight and with my hemi walker, I was unable to perform this task properly. My limitations were numerous, however this was the most hurtful to me, to not be able to do what I was used to, made me feel disabled. I know that it’s kind of petty, that this would be my most disabling limitation, but it’s like ripping away something that makes me happy, something I

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