The Progressivism Movement In The 1800's

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The Progressivism movement is said to have started in the late 1800's. New ideas and theories came to the surface. People began to ask questions as to why things in their life, were the way they were. Strengths and weaknesses from this era were many and can still be seen in our lives today, like the benefits of the Women's Rights movement. Progressivism enlightened the American people to new thoughts and ideas that had never been addressed before this time period. Progressive ideas are mostly contributed to "urban, Northeast, educated, middle-class, Protestant reform-minded men and women," says (!!!!!). These people questioned everything about their lives from food, transportation, quality of life and even the current laws in the government. Ideas like basic human rights for ALL humans, not just the white man, were addressed in the abolitionist and Women's Right movements. Rights for workers were put in place with inspections of the workplace to meet a certain crietia, child labor laws were added into this, along with…show more content…
The idea behind the Prohibition was to solve one the social problems in American culture, drunks. Drunks were labeled as poor, working men that caused trouble. Prohibition laws outlawed alcohol to be sold. Even though it was a nice idea, the practice of this law was not so great. The Progressives didn't add into their equation of their perfect society, the rest of the United States citizens. Although laws were passed and some were followed early on like the Prohibition, the weaknesses were of the people making the laws. They saw a world that wasn't obtainable in real life. Because they were of higher 'class,' they only saw the poor or the uneducated as a problem to fix. Yes, reforms to help the poor and uneducated were helpful to some, the fact that the government was involved in such a individual reform, was not a good plan

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