Professional Nursing Research Paper

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A professional nurse is an individual who has received training on how to care for the sick and those in need of special care, especially in hospitals. They are always expected to display the behavior of being competent and skillful in alignment with their profession. They should follow the ethics and nurse code of conduct and adhered to all other rules set by the nursing profession. A professional nurse has several roles to fulfill when carrying out her responsibilities. One of the roles is that of being a caregiver. A nurse is always expected to give hands-on care to all the patients irrespective of the environment they are in at any given moment of need (Timby, 2009). They provide the services of illness prevention to patients or offer…show more content…
They have the mandate and responsibility of bringing reforms to the health sector that will improve the delivery of health services to the patients. Any new policies that are intended to bring change in the medical fraternity are usually supposed to be innovated and implemented by those working in that sector. They are the ones who are better placed when it comes to knowing the areas that need change and what kind of improvements will be fit for it. The role falls on the professional nurses. Some of these policies may require them to compel the government to enforce some rules that never existed…show more content…
She also brought up the reforms that she felt were good enough and would improve the health sector and other related facilities in general (Lewenson, and American Association for the History of Nursing, 2006). Her greatest achievement included the introduction of the nursing education to others who had not gotten a chance to study. After leaving Crimea and returning to England, she established Nightingale Training School for Nurses in the year 1860 with the help of funds she received from the public. Her school acted as a model to other different nursing schools that came after it. It had significant benefits with the rest of the world since its students got an opportunity to travel to other countries of the world. Their primary goal was to manage other hospitals and ensure that they taught nursing programs to

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