Pride In Oedipus Rex

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Oedipus is the current king of Thebes, he is the protagonist and the tragic hero of the play. Before he became the ruler of the city, his original parents king Laius and queen Jocasta of Thebes heard of an appalling prophecy where their newborn son will slay his father, and marry his mother. To prevent the prophecy to develop any further; they exiled the cursed child to a towering mountain in Corinth and pinned his feet together. Inevitably, the monarchs endeavour of avoiding a prophecy made by the Greek gods, will spell a fate even more worse than their original plight. Oedipus narrowly avoided death, as a wandering shepherd pitied the infant and was later adopted by his foster parents, Merope and Polybus. Eventually, Oedipus heard of his prophecy, he fled Corinth and into Thebes. On his journey, he killed four men in a spite of rage, one of whom was king Laius. He later saved Thebes from a merciless Sphinx and was awarded to become king and wedded to newly widowed Jocasta. All was…show more content…
For his pride was so great that he even overlooked Greek gods; a terrible offence which would only anger the gods even more. The type of conflict he faces is man vs. nature, and some man vs. self. He agrees with Jocasta’s claim that oracles and prophecies don’t always work out. The chorus appeared to take offence of Jocasta’s and Oedipus’s words as they chanted, “The tyrant is a child of Pride.” (Line 829). They are referring to Oedipus, since pride is seen as a negative attribute, they use personification to depict the act of pride as an antagonistic character. Pride would only anger the Greek gods even further as the chorus goes on, “And any mortal who dares hold no immortal Power in awe will be caught in a net of pain.” (Lines 841-843). The chorus highlights and foreshadows the upcoming fate for Oedipus, that his pride will be his
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