Pride And Arrogance In Sophocles Oedipus The King

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In Sophocles' play "Oedipus Rex", primarily, it is Oedipus' pride and arrogance that precipitate his ignorance towards other characters in the play. This ignorance, which is a direct result from Oedipus having commanding ascendancy over his subjects, results in Oedipus disregarding what others, who are often supportive of Oedipus, have to say. If Oedipus were to pay heed to the guidance and counseling from others, perhaps he could have attained free-will rather than succumbing to fate; however, Oedipus allowed his pride and arrogance to control him, thereby prompting him to ignore other’s cautions, and resulting in his inevitable downfall. From the opening of the play, Sophocles conspicuously portrays Oedipus in a hubris manner. In the prologue,…show more content…
However, Oedipus finds it expedient to call upon the oracle Teiresias, a clairvoyant who is described as “the holy prophet In whom, alone of all men, truth was born” (16). After a discussion, which soon became a quarrel, between Teiresias and Oedipus, Oedipus clearly demonstrates his pride by chastising Teiresias. Teiresias insinuates that Oedipus himself, unwittingly, was the cause of the plague saying: “Abide by the proclamation you {Oedipus} have made: From this day forth Never speak again to these men or to me; You Yourself are the pollution of this country” (19). Oedipus, clearly incensed, replies, “You dare say that!” (19) and “Whatever you say is worthless!” (20). Furthermore, Oedipus censures Teiresias additionally by saying, “Why he {Teiresias} is no more clairvoyant than I am!... Has your mystic mummery ever approached the truth? When the hellcat the Sphinx was performing here, What help were you to those people? Her magic was not for the first man who came along: It demanded a real exorcist. Your birds- What good were they? or the gods, for the matter of that? (21-22). Analogous to the aforementioned situation, Oedipus clearly shows his pride once again. He refuses to listen to Teiresias,

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