Oedipus Vs Creon

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“Here I am myself- you all know me, the world knows my fame: I am Oedipus” (Sophocles). Oedipus, Sophocles main character in his Greek tragedy Oedipus Rex, is a man who considers himself to be worthy of his prominence in the Greek world through his royal background, intelligence, and power. However, throughout the play, Oedipus discovers his terrible, unknown crimes, which make him a tragic hero unworthy of being a king. Oedipus becomes a tyrant as the Greek word “rex” suggests because he gains the throne of Thebes through illegal actions instead of by birth. Oedipus’s tyrannical acquirement of the throne is ironic because he later discovers that he is the rightful heir of Thebes. To help viewers and readers of Oedipus Rex better understand…show more content…
Oedipus is arrogant, and it is this arrogance that results in the tragic hero’s awakening to his true past and physical blindness. Oedipus believes that he is the only person who can discover the killer of Laois even after no one in the city of Thebes is able to solve the mystery. Oedipus exclaims, “Now my curse on the murderer. Whoever he is, a lone man unknown in his crime or one among many, let that man drag out his life in agony, step by painful step” (Sophocles). Through Oedipus’s prideful insistence on his ability to catch the murderer, he brings upon himself the revelation of his crimes and his subsequent downfall. It is ironic that the curse Oedipus vows to deliver on the murderer of Laois is given to him. Oedipus also considers himself to be uniquely intelligent with his defeat of the sphinx. He says of himself, “No, but I came by, Oedipus the…show more content…
To begin, Oedipus accuses Creon, a loyal friend and advisor, of treason. One of the leaders of the city says, “Those who jump to conclusions may go wrong” (Sophocles). However, Oedipus carelessly makes his accusation before he has all the facts about his background. He rationalizes his accusation against Creon because Oedipus believes Creon is attempting to frame him for the murder of Laois. In response, Creon remains rational and even-tempered without being impertinent to his king. Lastly, Oedipus ignores the prophesies, insults the oracles and priests, and thinks he is above the laws of the gods. Oedipus says, “You pray to the gods? Let me grant your prayers” (Sophocles). In contrast, Creon visits the oracle at Delphi to find guidance to rid Thebes of the plague. Creon follows the advice of the oracle and believes the prophesies unlike Oedipus who suffers as a result of his irreverent actions toward the gods. Sophocles use Creon’s smart, honorable actions to contrast the rash, ignorant actions of

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