The Tome Of Leo: Ecumenical Council Of Chalcedon

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The Tome of Leo is renowned letter written by Leo the Great during 4th century AD dealing with Christological issues of the incarnation and was foundational in solidifying a decision during the Ecumenical Council of Chalcedon. The significance of the Tome of Leo can be seen when observing history through a multifaceted ray of lenses. This article aims to break down what the Tome of Leo pertains to and to highlight the significants of this letter using many different lenses. Of the many lenses this article will use to study the Tome of Leo one must firstly observe who the author of the letter was, what was the author intention for writing such a letter. Another lens we must look through to understand the importance of the Tome will be what the…show more content…
What Eutyches was proposing was that Christ was "a fusion of human and divine elements" that Christ was now a third…show more content…
Within the introduction of the Tome Leo addresses Eutyches since the letter was intended to be read earlier at the robbers synod. Leo then begins to describe with great authority the hyperstatic union of the incarnation that Jesus had both a divine nature as well as human nature but were in one person. To further clarify Leo’s stressed the point that Christ was 1 person which would rules out Nestorius 2 person separation of Christ view as well as Eutyches view of 1 nature by stating that Christ had 2 natures’ in the 1 person and that neither was absorbed. The reception of Leo’s letter is somewhat debated but one source say that "After the reading of the foregoing epistle, the most reverend bishops cried out: This is the faith of the fathers, this is the faith of the Apostles. So we all believe, thus the orthodox believe. Anathema to him who does not thus believe. Peter has spoken thus through Leo. So taught the Apostles. Piously and truly did Leo teach, so taught Cyril. Everlasting be the memory of Cyril. Leo and Cyril taught the same thing, anathema to him who does not so believe. This is the true faith. Those of us who are orthodox thus believe. This is the faith of the fathers. Why were not these things read at Ephesus? These are the things Dioscorus hid

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