Oedipus And Antigone Research Paper

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Sophocles' Oedipus the king and Antigone both underline the concept of hubris and how it could lead to one’s downfall. In Oedipus, the king, a plague has reached Thebes and Oedipus is determined to end it, and finds out from Tiresias that Oedipus himself is the plague and has completed the prophecy of killing his father and marrying his mother even though he tried to run away from that cruel fate. Oedipus cannot believe his situation and blames Creon and Tiresias for colluding against him, his disillusion continues to plague him throughout the play. After realizing the truth, Oedipus’ wife kills herself and Oedipus then gouges his eyes out in shame. In Antigone, Oedipus two sons fight each other for control of Thebes and end up killing each…show more content…
Oedipus explained “he foretold other and desperate horrors mto befall me, that I was fated to lie with my mother, and show to daylight an accursed breed which men would not endure, and I was doomed to be murderer of the father that begot me. When this heard this I fled.”(Oedipus The King, 145). Trying to escape this fate he leaves Corinth and travels to Thebes, in the process unknowingly killing his father and breaking the Sphinx's curse on the city of Thebes. In the play, Sophocles depicts another act of hubris by Oedipus, who is the King of Thebes, in which Oedipus starts to show foolishness in his decisions and actions. Oedipus summons Teiresias to gain an insight to the person responsible for the plague on Thebes. Tiresias, who knows the sad truth, but doesn't want to ruin Oedipus's name, decides not to tell Oedipus. Oedipus becomes mad and presses Tiresias for the truth, berating him. Tiresias insulted, breaks the news to Oedipus that he is the plague himself. Oedipus in disbelief denounces this information by insulting Tiresias prophetic skills by saying “There is strength in truth, but not for you. You don't have this, since you are blind in your ears and mind and eyes.(Oedipus The King, 126) Oedipus shows irony even through hubris through his saying. After the light of “truth” given to him, Oedipus can’t process this because of his hubris. He is offended and has the audacity to accuse Tiresias of conspiracy. His pride had taken control and showed that he was indecent toward Tiresias who was trying to protect Oedipus from the terrifying truth. His judgment becomes shrouded and fabricates silly explanations to explain the

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