National Discourse

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From a very young age we tell our sons to "be a man", "stop with the crying" and to " man up" these sayings show how the narrow description of manhood has suppressed feelings and common gender typecasts are damaging the males of the world. While David Malouf’s Fly Away Peter and Stephen Elliott’s film Priscilla Queen of the desert both challenge the national discourse of how the Australian landscape is perceived, Luke Carman re enforces this discourse in his book An Elegant young man. Additionally the text mentioned also challenge the concept heteronormativity through the masculinity discourse. Discourse can be defined as the written or spoken communication or debate, which defines what we believe, is the way that things are done and how…show more content…
The film Priscilla characterizes distinctively Australian themes such as setting & strong comrade between friends. In the opening of the picture the group start on their expedition from Sydney across the Australian wilderness to Alice Springs. The dominant scenery shots showing the group’s remoteness, which is in starch difference to the scenery of their urban lifestyle that they were used to. While the unforgiving landscape virtually controls the movie, as a post Mabo movie the control of landscape does not firmly epitomize the same themes as in an outdated sense. Rather it is a re imaged countryside that is not hostile. This is revealed by, when Bernadette paces off into the scrub only to find a car driving by who can assist the group whose bus has broken down (Elliott 1994). The outback is a basis of new companionships rather than isolation. This idea is maybe at its pinnacle when the group climbs king’s canyon, an Australian icon, metaphorically letting urban people, two drag queens and a transsexual, overcome the Australian wilderness, a situation typically earmarked for the most honest, manly, purely Australian men. The movie arises with enormous background masking Priscilla, but ends with drag at the centre of the shot to show the development of the…show more content…
However, they are also marvellous and extensively popular as entertainers for the reason of this imperfection. Like the scenery, their incapability to be controlled into conformist society generates their attractiveness as characters. In addition, Australian beliefs at the time did not approve the place of homosexuality in the nation. This can be seen in Priscilla (Elliott, 1994), when one of the characters is bashed by a local and called “a queer” and a “fag”. The drags and transsexuals could not rule or entirely make homosexuality conventional in the Australian discourse, like Australians cannot completely discipline the outback bush. The dominating landscape shots showing the groups isolation, in fact this movie allows these three unorthodox characters to provide an alternative to the normally male dominated Australian discourses like mate ship, the bush and tough city

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