Power Of The Executive Office

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The Executive Office is what defines and separates America from the rest of the World. In the newly formed Republic of the People, The President was the man elected by the People and served for the People, to ensure the direction of the Nation was of popular support. The Framers introduced a system with three branches of government— a judicial, a legislative, and an executive— sharing power under checks and balances. The role of Executive Office in the conduction of foreign relations has incrementally been built, consolidated, and solidified by the personalities, actions, and legacies of the men who became President of America. Presidents, such as George Washington, James Polk, and Teddy Roosevelt, made it their role to defy the initial intentions…show more content…
In 1989 a new Constitution created three branches of central government, providing a framework of their powers. Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution bestowed the Congress with the power to regulate and conduct foreign policy. Key enables of Congress, were powers, “To regulate commerce with foreign nations”, “declare war”, “make rules concerning captures on land and water”, “raise and support armies”, and “provide and maintain a navy”. Article I, Section 10 stripped States’ power to trade, have military control, and conduct any foreign policy. Hence, Article II, Section 1 declared the position of the President to serve on behalf of the civilian and state powers. Section 2 granted Presidential power as “commander-in-chief of the Army and Navy of the United States,…when called into the actual service of the United States” and to “have power, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, to make treaties”. These loose parameters and definitions of the role of Executive power with regards to foreign policy are what empowered Washington, Polk and Roosevelt’s execution of Presidential foreign…show more content…
Polk was steadfast in making the United States a Continental power, and represented a shift from the politics of economics, to expansion. Declaring ““it should be distinctly announced to the world as our settlement policy that no future European colony or Dominion” should be attempted “on any part of the North American continent.”” Polk made it clear to Britain, Mexico and US that he was going to expand “to the utmost bounds of [the] territorial limits.” He demanded Oregon, up to the 54°40’mark, threatening the use of the military if not given. The British, fear of losing another war to America, were bluffed into relinquishing Oregon. When Polk turned south, calling for Mexican relinquishment of Texas, California and New Mexico. Mexico refused, Polk responded by framing “annexation as a national security issue,” raising troops, and bullying Mexico to the point they reacted and gave Polk a justified excuse to rev support amongst the American people for Patriotism and land expansion. With America’s support Polk was able to go before Congress and get the declaration to start the Mexican-American War, which America ultimately won, and acquired the entirety of the mainland US. Polk used his power as Commander-in-Chief to take authoritative action in ways Congress never
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