Wilfred Owen Research Paper

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Wilfred Owen was a poet as well as a soldier in World War 1. He was born March 18 in 1893 and died November 4, 1918. Owen was born in Owestry but when he was four his family moved to Birkenhead. In 1911 at age 18 he graduated from Shrewberry Technical school. At this point Owen wanted to pursue a career as a poet but his father was against it so he became an unpaid lay assistant to a reverend. Afterwards he taught languages for a year and tutored in France for two more. In 1915 he returned home and there he made the decision to enlist in the war. It was not until Owen was a soldier that he began to think about poetry seriously, in fact he made several friends who encouraged him including Siegfried Sassoon. Unfortunately Owen was killed in

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