Alexander Hamilton Research Paper

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1.) Alexander Hamilton is one of the most influential and recognized political figures who proposed many ideas that contributed to the shaping of our American governmental system. Hamilton has gone down in history as a Federalist, opposed by James Madison and Thomas Jefferson with regards to many things, who favored a strong central governmental system and more power at the federal level. An opponent of the Articles of Confederation, Hamilton was an active participant in the writing of the Federalist papers, which supported the Constitution; to this day, it remains one of the most influential pieces of writing in terms of constitutional interpretation. In these federalist papers, more specifically Federalist 70, Hamilton proclaims that “energy…show more content…
Hamilton’s presidency is defined as an imperial one, one that yields “energy”. Throughout American political history, the Hamiltonian model has allowed for various presidents such as Theodore Roosevelt, Abraham Lincoln, F.D.R., and Harry Truman, to take action and be energetic, active, and strong presidents. The contemporary view of the American people is more in line with Hamilton’s model more than Madison’s, as the people view these aforementioned strong presidents as heroes. James Barber argues in favor of the Hamiltonian model and states that “The total character of the person who occupies the White House that is the determinant of presidential performance”(Barber). Since the presidential office is imperial, character is crucial in determining a good president. Moreover, the Madisonian government undermines the importance of presidential character, as the model of separation of powers and checks and balances allows for the system to be checked regularly and automatically. Barber further states that “The president is a symbolic leader, the one figure who draws together the people’s hopes and fears for the political future.” According to Barber, the president represents the people and is one man trying to do a job. He makes politics a picture much more understandable to the public, as Congress is usually ambiguous and unfollowable in the eyes of the people. The president takes the blame, and receives credit, as he can make a vast difference in the direction of national politics. Rossiter also argues in favor of the Hamiltonian model as he states that ever since F.D.R. claimed responsibility for the national economy in 1933, the people have looked to the President for leadership, praising him for his successes and blaming him for his failures. Therefore, the contemporary institution and political culture of the presidency has led to the

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