Power Of Language In Animal Farm

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Jim Rohn once said that, “ The challenge of leadership is to be strong, but not; be kind but not weak; be bold, but not bully; be thoughtful, but not lazy; be humble, but not timid; be proud but not arrogant; have humor but without folly.” This quote shows that to be a leader you should be able to relate to other people’s problem help them and not discourage them. In his novel Animal farm, George Orwell demonstrates the power of language as it is used manipulatively by characters in the novel intent on having their own way. Four main characters in the novel are demonstrated the different characteristics and how a leader leads affects his people. The first character that is in the novel is old major, he was a wise respected boar who was highly regarded by all the animals on the farm. He came up with the idea of the animalism and gave a big speech. He had a inspiring dream which was that…show more content…
He was cruel, selfish, brutal and devious young boar. He manipulated the animals so that they hate Snowball. Convinced the animals that Snowball was the traitor. He instilled fear in the animals that jones will be back if they don’t listen to what he says. Napoleon only cared for power and killed everyone who was opposed to him. He made animals “confess” saying that they betrayed the animals by working with Snowball and executed them at the scene. He went against the rules and made new ones that justified his needs. Orwell states that, "It had become usual to give Napoleon the credit for every successful achievement and every stroke of good fortune. You would often hear one hen remark to another, 'Under the guidance of our Leader, Comrade Napoleon, I have laid five eggs in six days'; or two cows, enjoying a drink at the pool, would exclaim, 'Thanks to the leadership of Comrade Napoleon, how excellent this water tastes!” (Orwell 78) This quote shows how Napoleon brainwashed the animals that they start worshipping
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