Corruption In Animal Farm Essay

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Animal Farm –George Orwell Question – How does George Orwell use symbolism in Animal Farm to portray the message of “power often leading to corruption and oppression” of the Russian Revolution through parallels in Animal Farm? Introduction The 1945 novel Animal Farm by George Orwell, formally known as Eric Arthur Blair, uses symbolism to portray the message of power often leading to corruption and oppression to the Russian Revolution. Orwell parallels the scene of Snowball the pig being chased of the farm by Napoleon the pig’s dogs and Trotsky’s banishment by Stalin which contradicts the comradeship shown in Animal Farm and in the Communist Council. Orwell also parallels the construction of the windmill in Animal Farm and Stalin’s Five Year…show more content…
and to Stalin. Although, in Animal Farm, the 6th commandment of Animalism is that “No animal shall kill any other animal”. All animals were in accordance to the commandments, “not even a rat had been killed” by the cat on the farm. Napoleon then used his power and status to corrupt the ethnicity of Animal Farm – even the core principals of Animalism. The 6th commandment at the establishment of the revolution was that “no animal shall kill any other animal”. After the execution of the traitors, the 6th commandment read, “No animal shall kill any other animal without cause”. The change signifies that Napoleon is using his power, status and fear to change Animalism to his will as to keep him in complete leadership over Animal Farm. Stalin also used his power and status in order to keep himself in power. Stalin had killed many government officials such as political figures and high ranking Red Army members. This then started the Great Purge where Stalin also executed citizens that were not fully supporting

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