Crafty Language In Animal Farm

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Language is one of the most useful weapons in a person’s arsenal of power. The famous saying “the pen is mightier than the sword” stands as such a common expression for a reason. Throughout history, words have been used to not only express but to manipulate. People like Adolf Hitler and Mussolini used words to distort their peoples’ perception of reality. On a less extreme end of the spectrum, encyclopedia salesmen use crafty language to manipulate potential buyers into long time customers. Whatever the case may be, it is clear that words carry power along with them, a lot of power that can be easily exploited, like it was in animal farm. In Animal Farm Napoleon, along with the other pigs use propaganda to manipulate and belittle the other…show more content…
The book takes place on a small farm called animal farm where the animals rebel and overthrow the humans to control and change the name of the farm to animal farm. After the rebellion they form a sort of communist society among themselves, but this idealistic society gets turned upside down when one of the pigs (Napoleon) takes over and slowly changes almost all of the rules on the farm to favor himself and the other pigs. Napoleon along with his right hand pig Squealer use shifty language to ‘persuade’ the animals that all of their decisions are all in good heart and beneficial to all the animals on the farm, but this is most certainly not the…show more content…
In his essay, Miller explains how propaganda works and breaks it down into seven different commonly used devices: name calling, glittering generalities, transfer, testimonial, plain folks, card stacking, and band wagon devices. Many of these different forms of propaganda that Miller explains can be found riddled within any politician’s speech; for example, in President Obama’s inaugural address he writes “To those leaders around the globe who seek to sow conflict or blame their society’s ills on the west, know that your people will judge you on what you can build, not what you destroy” (Obama 469). This is an example of the propaganda device known as ‘name calling’ in which the speaker “makes us form a judgment without examing the evidence on which it should be based” (Miller 428). According to Miller. Here it can be seen that Obama is obviously referencing states in the Middle East in his speech which directly plays off the fear of the American people without stating all of the evidence that could be presented. This same exact technique was used in Animal Farm after the storm when the windmill was destroyed. Napoleon met with the animals and said “’do you

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