Pope Francis Visit To Philadelphia

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During Pope Francis visit to Philadelphia he made a visit to Curran-Fromhold Correctional Facility and spoke with the inmates giving them a great message on continuing their journey for God. The Pope talks about how Jesus is here to help us along that journey and to wash our feet due to hard times taking that journey. Pope Francis began his speech by thanking everyone in the correctional facility for welcoming him and giving him the chance to share his message during these hard times we currently live in today. The pope understands the pain that the prisoners, their families, correctional staff, and even society undergo on the daily basis. The pope says, “If we view the pain of children as normal or expected our society is “condemned” to remain a hostage to itself.” Pope Francis came to the prison not only as a pastor, but also as their brother, their equal to share their situation and make it his…show more content…
This is the scene of Jesus who washed the feet of his disciples at the Last Supper. Most of the disciples were not accepting of this gesture. His actions were the act of kindness and welcoming of guests into His home. In those times they did not lay foundation for roads, so everyone walked through dust, dirt, and rocks. Jesus washes our feet not questioning our past, but to help us continue our journey in life because we all have a purpose or mission. Everyone has a different path, a different mission, and a different journey everything in life will take us down a different road. We may not know what that purpose is, but we have to trust in God to lead us in the right direction. Jesus will give us life, which is our Father aspiration; he created this life for us we were created in His image. Jesus will reestablish our self-worth and self-respect as the children of God. Only by him washing our feet, he will assist us in continuing our voyage, recover our hope and reinstate our faith and

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