Pope Francis Research Paper

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Pope Francis' first official visit to the United States erupted in controversy this week, when news broke that he met with Kentucky clerk Kim Davis. The meeting with Davis struck a chord with many who viewed it as both rejection of the LGBT community, and acceptance of Kim Davis' refusal to issue civil marriage licenses to same-sex couples. It isn't hard to understand why people feel that way, since Kim Davis and her lawyers have said that's how they took the meeting. The details of the meeting, and who arranged it are still murky. In an interview with ABC News, Davis said that she received a phone call from a church official before Pope Francis arrived in the United States. The details were confirmed on September 23, and the meeting took place on September 24, while Pope Francis was in Washington D.C..…show more content…
According to the Huffington Post, many people meet with the pope during his travels, so many that often the pope doesn't know who he's meeting or why. The report cited a similar incident during the tenure of Pope Benedict, where he met with Rebecca Kadaga, a Ugandan politician who was instrumental in the debate to criminalize homosexuality. The report also points out that if Pope Francis wanted to publicly side with Kim Davis, he could and would have done so. Instead, Pope Francis and the Vatican seemed blindsided by the revelation, which the report alleges was carefully timed by Davis and her attorneys to break after Pope Francis left the United States, and during a time of day when the Vatican wouldn't be able to respond. This would not be the first time Kim Davis and her attorneys have stretched the truth to her benefit. According to Think Progress, Davis' attorney, Mat Staver, displayed a photograph which he claimed was a 100,000-person prayer meeting for Davis held in Peru. The photograph was in fact of a five-day convention held in May

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