Flag Desecration Case Study

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Does arresting Johnson for burning the American flag based on The Flag Desecration law of the Texas violate Johnson's right to freedom of speech based on the First Amendment? In the United States, Supreme Court is well-known as the highest judicial court which has responsible for the federal or international level cases. Texas v. Johnson was a very controversial case that had moved from one State’s Court to the Supreme Court but still consisted of disagreements about it. The case had to deal with the First Amendment as well as The Flag Desecration law of the Texas. In 1984, Gregory Lee Johnson participated in a protest march against President Reagan’s policies on the streets of Dallas, Texas. During the rebellion, Johnson burned a flag in…show more content…
Johnson case, the case set in the Republican National Convention on the streets of Dallas in August of 1984. Gregory Lee Johnson, along with other protesters were marched for the opposition of President Reagan’s policies during the Republican convention. (Texas v. Johnson 1989). Not to mention, President Reagan’s domestic policies had many unfavorable influences on the Americans and led to the battle of suffering and low incomes. (The Reagan Presidency and Economic Policy). Along with other people, Johnson stood up and went against President’s policies. By showing the disagreement, Johnson decided to burn the American flag. Throughout the time the flag was burning, the people rounded the burning flag and kept shouting, “America, the red, white, and blue, we spit on you.” (Cline, Austin). Fortunately, none was threatened or damaged with injury by the act, however, many witnesses at the arena found Johnson’s act was seriously provoked and offended them. Not so long after that, Johnson got arrested and convicted for violated the desecration of a flag of the Texas law. The Texas’s Court ruled Johnson for a fine of $2,000 and one year lockup. On the other hand, Johnson believed that the court’s decision had violated his rights of speech, which was protected and clearly stated in the First Amendment. (Texas v. Johnson). The case was very controversial, and it flew to the United States Supreme Court. On March 21, 1989, the Supreme Court assented to hear his

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