Taboo Slangs In English

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INTRODUCTION Our thoughts carry meaning that we make concrete by means of a language, so when we speak, we reflect what is in our minds, in our hearts and in our souls. These thoughts integrate our ideology which is affected by influences coming from the culture we live in. That is why the surrounding ideas, customs, skills, and tools, have impact on any language. As our culture provides us with guidelines to behave appropriately within our community, our speech must include those qualities that our culture regards as positive and desirable; otherwise, we will have trouble to fit into society. Thus, the underlying questioning of this paper is whether we should make use of every single language device available, regardless what prescriptive…show more content…
Taboo slangs These are the most offensive and shocking language we can use. Also, they can cause resentment and baneful outcomes. In conclusion, as slangs have a wide degree of effects on our listeners, we must warn our students about the appropriate use of them. Since they are very common in speaking language, we should teach them so that our students can grasp intentions, attitudes and emotions of native speakers. Taboo As we saw in the previous classifications, taboo words can have negative effects not only on the person we talk to, but also on other persons who hear our conversation, that is why most English teachers recommend avoiding their use. However, native speakers use them very often, and we can hear them in daily conversations, and in the media. An appropriate use of taboo words has to do with close relationships among participants, and the desire of expressing emotions that can be either positive or negative. Another characteristic is that most taboo words derive from religion, body parts and body functions. To illustrate, take for example the following taboos stemmed from (Online, 2016):…show more content…
I’ve forgotten to phone Geoff. (Extremely shocking) Oh fuck it! I can’t find my phone. (Extremely shocking) It is well known that non-authentic materials, such as textbook, audios and videos usually leave out taboo words. In my opinion, taboo words can be a delicate matter, and they must be used only when learners have acquired a high level of communicative competence. As in the previous case (slangs) teaching taboo words can help our students recognize strong feelings of their interlocutors. CONCLUSION When teaching a language, we also teach the culture of the target language. Culture dictates what is appropriate or not regarding customs, religion, food, and in our case, language. We must bear in mind that when something is useless or pernicious, it is cast aside. However, this is not the case of registers, slangs, and taboo words, since they have survived for many years and have evolved, too. Nowadays these language devices are distinctive signs of speech communities, and so, if somebody wants to interact appropriately with these groups, he or she needs to know what they mean when using a specific register, slangs or taboo words. As we saw, their use has multiple implications, and can provide a good deal of implicit information, such as the strength of a relationship, purposes, degree of politeness, feelings, attitude,

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