Political Issues In Food Shortage

1002 Words5 Pages
Many factors influence food shortages. Some nations have land that does not allow for agriculture. Others are too poor to finance technologies or businesses for growing food. No matter how they occur, food shortages devastate citizens. Everyone needs food to survive, but when producers cannot afford to sell it, they cannot create a market, and since all citizens demand it, prices will rise. Then, lower-class workers will suffer as aristocrats and politicians prosper. As such, food not only nourishes people, it also intersects with politics and society to influence power dynamics. This research will examine how a political system contributes to food shortage. It will cover ideologies that oppress citizens and cause them to starve. So far, the…show more content…
Many citizens have formed an underground food market outside of the regime. This system could help relieve impoverished communities. Another option is for the United Nations to provide food crates, but they have done this in the past, and the resources went toward feeding their military. Un cannot be trusted, and the more states try to interfere, the more they risk a nuclear attack. These caveats will make the research topic tough to navigate, so the goal is to be as realistic as possible when discussing changes. The following are research questions that will guide the process. What factors cause food shortages? Where do they occur? How do international organizations deal with them? These will give background on the issue and why it matters. They also cover food shortages from a political standpoint. The second set of questions will help transition into the case study of North Korea. Who is Kim Jong Un? What is the history of North Korea's government? Why is it oppressive? These questions will provide the history and political concepts of the research. As a result, the paper will be both structured and…show more content…
The next two weeks will be spent exploring sources using the proposed databases. They will be gathered and annotated by April 2nd. Then, the next week will be spent creating a structural outline. It will be completed by April 11th, and it will include a brief overview of each component mentioned. By April 18th, a full-length draft will be in the works, and the next three days will be spent tweaking, editing, and polishing. After that, the final paper will be ready to turn in by April 23rd. This timeline is based on the class syllabus, and because of that, the writing process will be organized and

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