The Importance Of Abortion In Nepal

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Uncertainty hit Nepal Nepalese people are suffering from the one-way embargo of Indian government since three months ago. The needs of daily commodities like as food, gasoline are shortage inside Nepal. People are facing huge various problems, it is difficult to sustain daily lifestyle due to the blockade of the border. The one-way block of border hit general people life. The school is closing, the hospital is going to close because the medicine was lacking in the market. The Madhesh- based parties announced the strike program, leave the border area, and threaten the major political parties leader to complete block the essential commodities in Nepal. They forget they are also Nepalese people and they have to love Nepal at first then after they are Madhesi, Tharu, and other religious groups. Moreover, the Government of Nepal quells the demonstration of…show more content…
The abroad resident Nepalese also support the Nepal government to highlight the unofficial blockade of India and book the UN headquarters only aware the international community throw the demonstration inside the main building of world's popular area where the influence of Nepalese people. They are chanting slogan against the Indian unofficially blockade which quell the right of Nepalese people free to leave. The right of land lock countries is freely movement of carrying essential foods and gasoline in the path of any countries. It is against the human right when they blocked the essential materials at the border area of India. The security force was not allowing coming across the No Man's Land, but the Indian Border security force came to Nepal and fired the Nepalese people to make wounded. Where is the international committee? Their duties and responsibility to strengthen the right of each people they leave in either Asia or Europe. All people have an equal right to live of liberty and freedom for sustain

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