Pocahontas Facts

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If you ever watched the Disney movie Pocahontas as a child, you probably have been given some false information about the colony of Jamestown and the conflicts between the English and Native Americans. On a scale of 1-5 on how damaging the movie is, I believe it is around a 3. My reason being that even though it gives you bad information, it also gives you proper facts about Jamestown. In my opinion, the movie Pocahontas has errors but also has some correlation to history because of its accuracies, and its depiction of characters. On a scale from 1-5 (1 being the least and 5 being the most) on how damaging the movie is, I would give it a 3. I think Pocahontas deserves this rating because of one of many reasons, errors/ misconceptions. The first…show more content…
These two types of settings are completely different but are apparently shown as the same place. The next major misconception is that the soldiers of Jamestown did not suffer any diseases or struggles. In the movie, Pocahontas, the colonists were not shown with being sick or running out of food. This is a major error because what actually happened, according to historical records/ documents is that many colonists died from salt water poison and other diseases. They were not only affected by the different diseases, but they did not have enough food to feed the whole colony which is more commonly called the “Starving time”. This is a very important fact that the movie Pocahontas did not include which is very damaging. Finally, the last error that the movie did which is probably…show more content…
The first and probably the most important thing about the movie is Pocahontas saves the colonists from being attacked by the Natives Americans. During 1607-1610, this actually occurred in which Pocahontas tried to convince her father, Powhatan, that the English were actually good people. Another accuracy was that in both the movie and in real life, the colonists came to America in search of gold, but to their surprise they did not find any. This detail is very important because gold was the main reason why people left to settle in what would be called, Jamestown. In Pocahontas, their leader Ratcliffe made the colonists search for gold and, they did not find any. The last accuracy is where they settled and the type of clothing they wore in both the movie and in the 1600’s. First off, in the Historical movie, it showed that they settled along the James River by the Virginia coastline. In Pocahontas, they settled in the same area which makes it an accuracy. Secondly is the clothes that they wear; which is the same in both movies. The English usually wore armor and had their muskets with them and the Indians had paintings on their bodies and had different types of animal fur as clothing. The Indians also had bows & arrows and also spears. All and all, even though the movie Pocahontas had misconceptions, it also portrayed some

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