Syphilis Research Paper

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Syphilis Signs and Symptoms Frazier describes the signs and symptoms of syphilis by beginning with the primary stage of infection. The initial symptom is a painless chancre sore lesion on the genitals of males and females. The first, primary stage of syphilis is extremely contagious. Amelioration of the chancre sore happens one to two months after the initial appearance of the lesion on the genitals. Then the organism, Treponema pallidum spirochete, manifolds and distributes through out the body to areas such as internal organs, skin, spinal cord, cardiovascular and lymphatic system and the brain. Areas of the body highly concentrated with the T. pallidum spirochete organism will have lesions. Likewise, The Merck Manual states that syphilis…show more content…
The Merck Manual specifies that the percentage of patients that continue to have a chancre lesion in the secondary stage is 25 percent. In addition, 80 percent of infected patients during stage two will have numerous rashes and lesion anywhere on the body. The classification table in The Merck Manual (p 1476) states that many of the rash may masquerade as other disorders. The time frame the rashes and lesions heal without treatment varies. Unlike Frazier, The Merck Manual gives supplementary information on the rashes and skin lesions by providing specifics on these symptoms. For example, The Merck Manual identifies the symptom of rashes on palms of hands and soles of feet as syphilitic dermatitis. The physical characteristics of the size, shape, color and the level of intensity of the rash are vividly explained. Secondary stage skin lesions are identified as condyloma lata. The Merck Manual describes the condyloma lata lesions physical characteristics and notes that the sites on the body where the lesions appear are moist areas such as the mouth, under breast, anus and other moisture bearing sites. Continued detail is given on other possible serious conditions…show more content…
There is very little comparison regarding the effects of syphilis on the fetus in The Merck Manual’s signs and symptoms. However the classification table (p 1476) classifies congenital syphilis as early or late. Symptoms for both classes are symptomatic. The chart indicates the early stage as age up to 2yrs. The late stage signifies later years with signs and symptoms of “Hutchison’s teeth and eye and bone defects” (p

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