Play Therapy Child Abuse

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The Effects of Play Therapy with Children Who have been Sexually Abused Introduction In the United States, the number of sexual abuse cases are about 300,000 per year. Of these cases, only about 88,656 are referred to DCS (Reyes & Asbrand, 2005). When a child is sexually abused, their world is changed in an instant. They gain sexual knowledge at an early age, and their brains cannot understand what is going on. Some loose trust in or become afraid of someone that was supposed to protect them. For many children, it is hard to explain what happened and how they feel about what happened. The child will need a form a therapy that will help them express their feelings, so their social worker or therapist can help them. Play therapy is shown…show more content…
The non-offending parent is the most influential factor in the recovery of the child. At first, the child might be scared to leave the parent to go to the play room with the therapist. Including the parent helps show the importance of forming relationships. Including them after the child is “settled in” will help them gain non-directive play therapy techniques that can help when they are at home. The child can continue their therapy when they are not in session with the therapist, and the parent can act as therapists for their own child, or filial therapy. Filial means having the relation of a child to a parent. The therapist should train the parent in filial therapy, and focus on the filial aspect. The therapists also should focus on play therapy in trying to rebuild the parent-child relationship, and working on the confidence of the parent. A child who has been sexually abused needs structure to help them with the trauma. This will allow them to focus on healing. Allowing the parents and the child to engage in play therapy as a unit allows the child to understand the feelings of the parent, and allows the parent to understand the…show more content…
The researcher hypothesized that play therapy with a therapist or social worker would have measurable improvements in their clients, or sexually abused children. The children serve as the dependent variable for this study, while the play therapy is the independent variable. For the purpose of this study, play therapy is: any therapy that includes a game, toys, or an activity that helps the child express themselves openly, and helps relieve any symptoms of trauma. It is best to fit the therapy to the child. There is a wide range of play therapy techniques that can be used for children, and any are acceptable for this study. For this study, the definition of a child is: (1) any person who is between the age of two and twelve, or (2) person who has the cognitive capacity of a child between two and

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