Personal Narrative Fiction

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“You want a smoke?” I asked my roommate, knowing she would say no. I've asked her that same question everyday now since we moved in together and I always get the same head shaking motion in response. Maybe she didn’t smoke or maybe she didn’t like me, although I wouldn’t blame her. Who would want to live with a stranger that bases her life around packs of marlboro golds and journalism? The enjoyment of a quick high from a cigarette and reading the Sun-Times were the only things that made my mornings worth living. Sports, politics, international and local news, and even the comics, I would read that paper front to back. There was only one section I wouldn't consider worth my time, the adds. I don’t know if it was the buzz from the cigarette or a morning daze, but something was drawing me to the personal adds that day. Looking at all these lonely souls and reading there hopes for companionship intrigued me. Not that I’m a lonely person but since most of my friends had gone to Spain or Italy to study abroad this semester, on some level I felt these people’s sense of isolation. It was just about to be 10:30 a.m. when I found a persons add that captivated me. This add was from a man named Garret and the description of the person he was looking for fit me to a T.…show more content…
Looking for some friends to enjoy life with. Must be able to have a good conversation but can also let loose. Hit me up!" From his add, Garret seemed to be looking for just a friend who could spend some time with him and so was I. The deal breaker for me was the fact that he was a Communications major. Being a journalism major with a comm. minor myself I thought we would have an abundance of things to talk about so I decided to meet with

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