Piggy Lord Of The Flies Essay

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In Lord of the Flies by William Golding, schoolboys who become stranded on an island experience almost every issue of society from democracy to savagery. When the boys arrive, everyone but Piggy seems to be excited to find that they have escaped from adults, rules, and structure. Piggy, who is intellectual but rarely heard, becomes afraid of the thought of having no grown ups or rules to prevent him from being bullied. As the story progresses, the boys turn from civilization to complete savagery and chaos. It becomes clear that Piggy does not experience this shift. Piggy's lack of character development and desire for civilization represents society’s need for rules and laws. Piggy is one of the most steady characters throughout the novel as he remains to latch on to the idea of…show more content…
It is mentioned various times about the impact of Piggy’s aunt on his childhood. She was able to prevent him from the harsh words of society. Because of the absence of adults on the island, Piggy feels vulnerable and susceptible. To protect him from being verbally and physically attacked, Piggy turns to order and civilization. Piggy’s need for civilization is demonstrated by deciding to attribute the conch to call assemblies and gather society. Piggy enthusiastically says, “We can use this to call the others. Have a meeting. They’ll come when they hear us--” (Golding 16). The conch, therefore, could be represented as a symbol of authority and order. As the story unfolds, Piggy realizes that the conch is the boys’ only item that can keep them united and civilized. This is emphasized when he says, “I got the conch, I got a right to speak” (Golding 45). This rare tone shown by Piggy proves that he relies on the conch and becomes angry when the boys do not follow the rules. The longing for a sense of security and civilization on the island is shown by Piggy for the stretch of the
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