Social Classes In The Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald

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The 1920s were a time of greatness. Just coming from a World War 1 victory, and the economy doing well, the Americas were in a golden age. As a result, this time period is referred to as “the roaring twenties.” The Great Gatsby takes place during this wonderful time, and proves the roaring twenties title, with the author describing the opulence people had in the book. Specifically Jay Gatsby, an extremely wealthy person with an extravagant lifestyle with a shady past. In the story The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald, the author conveyed the theme of social classes by the use of symbolism and motifs. In the Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald conveyed the theme of social classes through the use of symbolism. He used symbolism throughout the story to describe the wealth of people. For example during Gatsby’s party Nick, the narrator, describes the party in a very wonderful matter stating, “In his blue gardens men and girls came and went like moths……. Repairing the ravages of the night before.”(Pg.39) this shows not only the extravagant parties the wealthy have, but what the lower class people do after the party. After the party, the servants have to clean up the mess the wealthy made because the wealthy believe they are higher than every other social class. Another way he represented the use of symbolism is with the two…show more content…
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