The Crucible And Willy Loman Essay

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Arthur Miller has wrote many different plays discussing the events and politics that were occurring at the time that these plays were written. The play, The Crucible is one major example as it had a very bold statement about the Red Scare in the United States. Essentially, Miller was explaining, as an undertone of the play, that there was a huge mass hysteria over communism, something that was completely unnecessary. Alongside with The Crucible, Miller also wrote Death of a Salesman, a play that demonstrates and mocks the ‘perfect family’ of the 1950’s. This story focuses heavily around the main character, Willy Loman, who is constantly attempting to create the perfect family he never had. Unfortunately, old man Willy is no longer as capable…show more content…
In today’s society, it is no longer unheard of to cheat on one’s significant other, however, in the 1950’s, the time of the play, cheating was unheard of and not talked about. While it did happen, it was not a part of the ‘perfect family’ persona. Because of this, Willy’s unclean act has a much bigger impact on the family then it would today. Willy continually bases his feelings and hope off of his son Biff, who is completely ruined and scarred by the discovery of his father’s other woman, “You fake! You phony little fake! You fake! Overcome, he turns quickly and weeping fully goes out his suitcase. Willy is left on the floor on his knees,” (Pg. 121). Biff calls his dad this as no longer feels that he can go to him for anything in his life. He also feels like he can’t trust his father or his judgement from this point in the play. Willy is no longer redeemable after this scene of this horrible act as it takes the trust out of him. While it is never directly explained that Linda knows that Willy cheated on her, it is often hinted at it. Even if Linda doesn’t know about the cheating, her son does, and her son is the man that Willy puts all of his hope and expectations on. Without the trust between the two, there is never anyway for him to become

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