Functional Behavior Assessment Checklist

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Test Objectives: 1. Identify a student and create a case study 2. Complete a functional behavior assessment checklist (see below) 3. Create a summary of your case _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Complete demographic and other contributing information # 1) Create a case study that includes all the following components. [Insert your case study here in paragraph format] • Student name • Disability (IDEA eligibility category) • Grade level • Team involved • Setting (General or special education) • Class period/subject • Strengths and weaknesses (behavior) This case study is focused on a thirteen year old male student I will refer to as “John…show more content…
John is also not arriving to his math class on time. Often lingering in hall ways before entering to class passed the bell ringing to signify class has begun. Provide more detail about the problem behavior(s): (Be clear and specific, provide as much detail as possible) What does the problem behavior(s) look like? John is yelling inappropriate words at both his peers and teacher. John is walking out of class during instructional time, and refusing to return to his assigned seat, and chronic tardiness to math class. How often does the problem behavior(s) occur? Currently the problem behaviors are occurring two to three times a week. How long does the problem behavior(s) last when it does occur? The duration of John’s behavior is usually 15-20 minutes on

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