Philosophy: The Relationship Between Soul And Knowledge

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Knowledge is defined as the facts, information, and skills acquired by a person through experience or education . It is the state of being aware of something. The soul, based on the Tripartite of the Human Person by Plato, is referred to as the beholder of reason or knowledge, and the seat of wisdom. It is the immaterial and immortal essence, which controls our body and spirit. What is the relationship between our soul and knowledge? A philosopher named Plato stated that the Soul is the beholder of perfection and knowledge. Soul came from the world of perfection. Perfection is forgotten when the Soul merges with the Body. The perfection is then recalled through education. A philosopher named Aristotle rejected this philosophy. He stated that there is no innate knowledge. Our Soul can be compared to a Tabula Rasa or a blank slate. The Tabula Rasa acts as a room for storing knowledge. The information gathered by our senses is processed by our brain, and is stored in our soul…show more content…
Locke proposed that all of our knowledge and ideas arise from experience. John Locke stated that all our knowledge and ideas can be traced to sensation, and reflection. Everything we see, touch, feel, hear, and taste gives us information. All the information gathered by our senses is processed by our brain, and is stored in the tabula rasa. We can also acquire knowledge through reflection. Reflection speaks about the ideas of our own mental operations . This implies that the ideas such as hardness, brightness, smoothness, and freshness are all of the ideas of sensation. On the other hand, “perceiving,” “remembering,” “abstracting,” and “thinking” are ideas of reflection. This concludes that everything we know, everything we believe, and everything we think about is made up of ideas and sensation and
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