Dualism In 'Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back'

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Nowadays, it is believed that the body is the most important aspect of human beings. This is shown in today´s culture with things from clothes to enterprises. Oppositely, in the scene from “Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back”, Yoda tries to explain Luke that he must not judge him by his size, that this is meaningless, and that in spite of the fact that he is small and seems weak he is capable of doing anything thanks to the “Force” which he controls with his mind, which may also be compared to the soul as will is attributed to it. This leads to the dualism of the mind and the body analyzed by René Descartes or even to the soul and body dualism found in Plato´s writings. However, it must be considered the question of whether they are…show more content…
Provided that the human being is composed by both, mind and body, and supported with works from philosophers as Baruch Spinoza and Ernst Mach, it is going to be sustained that the mind and the body are the same, as they compose the human body. Therefore, it can be argued that they have the same essence but they express different attributes. Despite they are different, one cannot exist without the other, or at least one´s existence cannot be proven without the other, meaning that the only way to prove the existence of the mind is through the body (language) and that the only way to prove the existence of a well-functioning body is through their feelings and…show more content…
We need not here be disturbed by the fact that it is easier for the scientist to study relations of relations of these elements than the direct relations between them.”6 Although he does distinguish between them, he argues that this is a conjecture, since the “scientist” cannot obtain a direct relation between the two concepts, implying that, in fact, it exists. In summary, it can be said that the human being is composed by both mind and body, each one with the same attributes expressed differently. They have the same essence or substance and have the same importance. Both can be deceived, therefore, it can be concluded that the human being is prone to err. They are two different entities with a direct relationship. This makes us think that the answer to the mind-body problem lies in a monism. However, the relation between these is a very close one because it must be recognized the fact that mind and body are somehow different but at the same time, somehow alike. Taking into consideration the question ‘To what extend is the mind separated from the body?’ it can be argued that the answer to the question depends on the point of view: if it is referring to the expression of attributes or to their

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