Rene Descartes Meditations

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Proof of God’s Existence in Rene Descartes Meditation. The concept of truth and the existence of God has been a topic of speculation from the cultural and scientific perspective. This has been a controversial topic since the time antiquity as the issue of the relationship between truth and Gods existence in nature. According to Descartes, the concept of existence is far more complex and very inconceivable as we lack the potential to comprehend what is true (Taylor & Francis, 2005). Descartes move around the argument only to come back to the conclusion that is surprising; he says, “to proof the existence of God, as the creator of all the imperfect things.” (Descartes, 1636). Meditations on the first philosophy present a unique opportunity…show more content…
Most of the arguments fail to satisfy the logic. They cannot convince themselves of Gods existence and likewise cannot advance their argument to deceive God. According many Scholars Mediation III is a cover up on the atheist stance of Meditations I and II. Descartes brings the reality of the issue of God’s existence and His supreme control on mankind in Mediation III. Atheists believe that life on Earth is propelled by some form of fate or cycle of events (Barret, 2007). This can be errors of deception by the evil genius purporting to be all good but barring us from the truth. The imperfections exist, and Descartes admits that humans are likely to make ignorant mistakes not because of their fault but because of deceptions by a supreme cause. This implies to mankind’s imperfect nature to even make errors even in very simple matters due to deception and their imperfect…show more content…
He concludes that the existence of the self and the imperfection that exists in the living things is a result of Gods responsibility (Descartes, 1636). Despite battling with imperfection in the human nature, Descartes realizes that God is perfect which is a surprise ending (Joh & Ruth, 2013). He realizes that he exists because he is a thinking thing, and God has bestowed upon him the ability to think and, therefore, he is perfect. This proofs Descartes position on the presence of God; he admits the existence of God in meditation III and his conclusion is clearly supported by the analytical argument he advances about Gods
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