The Effects Of Globalization

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There is no standard definition assigned to this common phenomenon, “era of globalization", that the entire world deals with. Maybe this is because it goes through several economic, social and political fields. Considering that all the ideas, products and other aspects of cultures that are shared between nations can be dragged under the name of globalization. It seems like if the world’s economy is gathering pace through the incorporation of all nations by breaking restrictions and making new policies, but the patterns hide more than they uncover about the way the world's economy works. So, is globalization a ladder to prosperity, or it could be a life ruined?. Akwen and Tyoyila (n.d.) claimed that most of the western countries…show more content…
Visiting different countries without any visas or permission is considered as a kind of globalization. However, free traveling can be regulated by certain policies to maintain nation’s security, rather than traveling without rules. According to Demir and Varlık, “the malign effects of globalization has considerably weakened nation states or dragged them into a situation in which the security and stability would no longer be sustained as desired while promoting terrorism to a global strength” (2015). On the other hand, there’s another way to gain more knowledge and ideologies of different cultures through books and publications, instead of opening the country’s borders to any external threats. This strategy was created by western countries to rule the whole world politically and economically. Actually it created a huge gap between rich and poor countries, especially those of the weakest economies in…show more content…
It has always been a process to give power to prevailing countries in order to rule the world. In the period of 1480-1750, the west has projected the first wave of globalization and it was the beginning of exploring new lands as colonialism. A new colonialism in the time of 1750-1914 was named as imperialism and started just before the “Industry Revolution”. Although the conflicts and the world war in 1914, the third phase of colonialism didn’t postpone its action, continuing with the push of multinational corporations. After these phases, the new world order had reached its peak after the western world’s victory over the east in the nineties’ (Demir & Varlık, 2015). Social ataxias of globalization consist of traditionally rooted philosophical, psychological and cultural features. Social observations also become more different depending on the place you are, the place you are looking and the length of time you are observing. Any contrast made by way of those who are not from the main facet of globalization (“un-globalized” and “non-leading globalizers”), the “struggle of the West with the rest” would be a higher term than the “clash of civilizations”. Globalization has been forced as the most ideal level of human advancement and profound quality through the individuals who are driving globalization (globalizers) however from un-globalized and non-driving
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