Peter Singer Research Paper

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Peter Singer Peter Singer is not your typical philosopher, he’s known as “The Dangerous Philosopher.” Singer is an Australian philosopher who believes in making people uncomfortable as a way of raising moral consciousness. Singer was born in 1946 in Melbourne, Australia after his Viennesse Jewish parents immigrated to Australia. Singer attended Preshil School and Scotch College to attain his formal education. He did his BA degree at the University of Melbourne in law, history and philosophy in 1967 and completed his MA at the same university in 1969. He went to the University of Oxford on a scholarship and earned his B. Phil in 1971. His work in applied ethics led to controversial views on abortion, animal liberation, famine, and infanticide.…show more content…
He has this whole theory thinking that taking a child’s life is okay. He thinks they don’t have the capability to understand why they are in the world anyway, so why does it matter if they’re aborted. Singer spoke at an Institute of Technology on a wide range of election issues. When asked about his views on abortion he said, “Nonetheless believing that abortion is ethical, because even a viable fetus is not a rational, self-aware person with desires and plans, which would be cut short by death; hence it should not have the same right as humans who have such qualities. Abortion is also justified,” he adds, “both as a female right and as a method for curbing overpopulation.” His doesn’t sugar coat his idea. He truly believes abortions are okay because the child does not know it’s alive or have any capability in making a difference in the world yet, so there is no need to over populate the world. If the child is unwanted, just simply get rid of it. He really thinks that taking a humans life is fine, he goes on to say that if the infant is disabled then abort it, because there is really no need for the child to suffer their whole

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