Persuasive Essay On Animal Testing

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Are you a frequent user of personal care products such as deodorant, skin care creams, and many other products? Did you know these personal care products are tested on animals before being sold in the market? Animal testing or animal research is the main practice for testing these products for human consumption. These tests may be beneficial for human usage, but they’re extremely harmful for these defenseless animals’s health. The majority of the consumers of personal care products are aware of animal testing for these products, but many choose to ignore it. Many believe these tests are perfectly tested and approved for human consumption, but they do not know that these researches are giving misleading results and it could be dangerous for…show more content…
These researches cause two different sufferings to these defenseless animals; experimental procedures and confinement in the laboratory environment. These animals get tested with several different chemicals, as well as suffer from social deprivation in small, barren cages enclosed in windowless rooms. According to, In research and testing, animals are subjected to experiments that can include everything from testing new drugs to infecting with diseases, poisoning for toxicity tests, burning skin, causing brain damage, implanting electrodes into the brain, maiming, blinding and other painful and invasive procedures all claiming to be tests to benefit…show more content…
Alternatives to the use of animals in consumer products are readily available. According to an article by Heather Dubois, there are different methods to test products which not only exclude the involvement of animals, but are also more cost effective, better prediction of human injury, and produce quicker results. Successful alternatives include Test-tube studies on human tissue as well as computer models. In another article by Dr. Julia Baines, she brings up that animal test is not only cruel but dated as well. High tech sensitive tests with more accurate results can be used to evaluate whether chemicals irritate the skin and eyes and replace the cruel tests in which chemicals are dripped into rabbit’s eyes, injected into guinea pigs, or smeared onto their
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