(HPV) Human papiloma virus is a common virus that may cause genital warts. There are over 100 type/ forms of (HPV). The majority is inoffensive, but there are about 30 types which are associated/ linked to cancer. There is a vaccine which can prevent this when administer to children up to adolescent, with a margin of 21 years of age in males and 26 years of age in females if neither has still be not sexually active. My purpose being to create awareness and the desire to educated. We can define (HPV)
prevention: the approval of HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) vaccines. This innovation allowed a decrease in cancer cases, such as cervical, vaginal and laryngeal cancer, by promoting caution before the disease, in an effective way and having the best cost benefit between the other treatments. Zardo et al. (2013) states that approximately 231 thousand women die, a year, because they are victims of HPV, the most prevalent sexually transmissible disease in the world. The HPV vaccine generates immunity against
research, there are controversy and debate question appeared related to or against some vaccinations. According to Gerber and Offit (2009), various scientific studies has been done and failed to validate any association between the MMR vaccination and autism. The authors researched three argumentative topics. They are as follows: the MMR vaccination may be the causative factor to develop autism, the component thimerosal, an ethyl mercury containing preservatives in some vaccines can be toxic to central