Personal Reflective Essay

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My vision as a practitioner-scholar in the field of psychology is to work with young girls whom have experienced any form of sexual abuse while educating the community of to the effects of sexual abuse, what to look for, and how to take action. I also plan to address the stigma that is attached to sexual abuse and speaking out about it. In order to see this vision through I have several goals set in place, including my education, post educational internship, obtaining my professional counseling license, and continuing my education in psychology. These goals will push me towards my overall vision of being a voice for young girls who feel that they do not have a voice and provide them with a safe place to begin the healing process. Your Vision as a Psychology…show more content…
As well as opening my own practice, I envision myself traveling to different schools and speaking to groups of students to address the stigma associated with sexual abuse and speaking up about it. I envision myself presenting information on sexual abuse, including current statistics, providing information for anyone who has been abused or knows someone who has been sexually abused to reach out to, and then open a discussion with the students to answer any questions to ensure that the children are fully educated. I believe that educating our communities and our children is a very important part of addressing the frightening amount of sexual abuse that continues to go on in our communities so I plan on using my passion to educate as many people as possible on the topic, how to address it, and what to

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