Personal Narrative: The Transition To High School

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The words stumbled from my lips “Yes, I need your help”. It was painful to ask for help. I fought with my pride and ignored the growing sense of defeat. For years I did not ask for help. Maybe this was because of the independence that had been formed in me as a child. The language barrier had shaped me to work and figure things out on my own. School was always a safe place for me but then sixth grade came. I was two months late as I walked into my math class, not realizing that the teacher would turn me and the entire class into mutes. I remember the walls being red but later I was told all the rooms in the school were actually painted pale blue. The teacher, whom was in charge of my math, science, and social studies classes ran her room…show more content…
I understood that the school staff was trying to prepare us for college and help us garner the most out of society. But in the end all they did was create a silent war between the students. Shockingly, I felt the rivalry first hand from a close friend. Until halfway through high school, when I faced my worst anxiety and stress, I had a teacher speak words to the class that would help me recognize my faults. As a class we had not been taking full advantage of an online forum run by college students meant to guide us in calculus. This led my dedicated math teacher to speak of his own struggle in college to open up and be humble enough to ask people for help. In his speech he emphasized that pride would lead to loss. It was a wake up call. I had let my pride control me and I could no longer afford to keep to myself. How will I be successful in life socially and in my education if I do not take advantage of the benefits people want to grant me with? Of course I learned to try to find in myself answers but also, that it wasn’t so bad asking for some clarity from God or or from the person standing in front of me. I learned to say the words, “Yes, I need your help,” without feeling like I was unintelligent. And if I had not embraced those words, I possibly would not have known that medicine and mathematics could become part of my future. I now walk with less confusion

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