Personal Narrative: Summering In Massachusetts

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Summering in Massachusetts is an every year occasion. My dad is a teaching professional at Duxbury Yacht Club, a golf course I grew up playing golf on. Even though I only go up there for the summers, I almost wish that was not the case since just a week before I was diving in the deep clear waters of the Bahamas .That’s where I really found serenity. Walking towards the clear electric sliding doors to the exit of the airport; I see my dad waiting outside by the car with his arms crossed as if he were standing there a while. The first thing he always tells me is that I’m working at the cart barn, but in reality I just practice on the range all day. My phone goes crazy buzzing with loads of messages from the few friends I have asking me when I’ll be at the golf course. They only get to play a few months out of the year because of the frigid winters so when I am in Massachusetts they try to make the best of it. When playing with your close buddies the laughs and the bonds grow powerful as we walk from hole to hole.…show more content…
The landscapers are just going back to the barn with the sun just peeking over the trees. The birds humming and the fish jumping out of the water to catch the little fly’s that rest motionless on top of the water. The pro shop just opening up getting ready for the early morningers to come in. They check in the front desk to see if they are ready to go out and play the course just like they have so many times before. The assistant pros know everyone’s name, know exactly what time they like to play, and know exactly who they like to play with. I sit in the pro-shop every morning and watch them greet the members. If one of the assistants has to run an errand or go to the restroom they let me answer the phone. I mean I’ve watched them do it so many times before I feel like could pretty much could run the

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