Personal Narrative

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As I sat at the table, in the crisp autumn air, I found myself thinking back over the prior year. Many people could think back three, five, maybe even ten years, but for whatever reason details about my life prior to high school slip away from me. Here I was, a junior, sitting at a Halloween festival. Never thought I’d be here. The penultimate year of “childhood”; although it certainly didn't feel like it. Too much responsibility here, too little there, all the anxiety of adulthood with none of the freedoms. “Come on!” I found myself at this same place, at this same table, just a year earlier. It was one of my first real social interactions, and I often consider it the changing point of my life. I only knew Hannah, but she brought a bunch of…show more content…
Normally I’d be irritated at this hand with the gaul to try to direct me where to go, but as it happened I was quite fond of the girl that hand was attached to. I enjoyed making lists, and I remember deciding to continue this list of things attached to the girl; blonde hair, long eyelashes, an ever present smile, even a name; Hannah. She had become more than a girl by now, more than a friend, she was a symbol. She was outgoing, charismatic, and while occasionally loud to the point of irritating, she was all the things I wanted to be. Things I wanted to change. The concept sounds ludicrous to me now, but at the time I was thoroughly displeased with myself. I was never one to break the silence, and decided that would be where I would…show more content…
Connor managed to shriek just a bit too loud. Everyone bursts out laughing as Connor’s face brightened to a crimson, even Maggie was laughing. I guess I wasn't the only one coming out of my shell. I found myself laughing with the rest of them, enjoying myself. We had a blast. All of us had fun, even Connor, although he would never admit it. After the maze was all done, we decided to take a break at that table. Our stomachs growled like hounds, and my legs burned from hours of standing, so the seat and snack was gladly accepted. Everyone was chatting, laughing, having a good time. Then suddenly someone asks “Why are you so quiet, Maggie?” She mumbled “I don’t know. I’m just not loud. Jack gets it…” Suddenly all eyes were on me. I did get it, of course, and thats when I realized it wasn't a binary thing; I could be introverted and social. I can be the best of both sides. “Yeah guys. Quit railing on her. I mean, who likes being around people?” Everyone laughs. Focus is off of Maggie, and I can see she's thankful. I know exactly how she feels; as though I’m some weird superhero. Jackson Trahan, Protecter of the Shy! I was actually having a good time. I decided I could get used to this sort of
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