Personal Narrative Analysis

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I have always strived to do well in everything I set my mind to. People may think that I am at a disadvantage because I was raised by a single mother who doesn’t know english in a low-income household. That has yet to hold me back. If anything, my situation has given me strength. I started pre-kindergarten not knowing a word of english, but by 1st grade, I knew enough to be one of the smarter kids in my class. By third grade, I was already competing in district competitions such as Math Olympics and UIL events. After finishing every grade in elementary school, my mother and I always went home, struggling to carry all the trophies I received. One year I was even awarded an MP3 player for having the best grades. The best reward, however, was…show more content…
I learned that if I wanted to succeed, I was going to have to put in the time and effort. Since my mother was not able to afford wi-fi at home, I would always go to the public library or somewhere with free wi-fi. Unfortunately, one night I was sexually harassed while doing homework at a McDonald’s. After filing the police report my grandmother said it was too dangerous to try and do my homework in public places and offered to pay for us to get wi-fi. This helped a lot. I was able to finish my work quicker and even produce better material. By junior year, I was trying to be active and engaged not only in my school, but in my community as well. I was, and still am, in many organizations, such as Mu Alpha Theta, Leo Club, Business Professionals of America, Chess Team, Drama Club, Varsity Tennis, Varsity Theatre, and a High School Aerospace Scholar. But I am not just in these organizations, I am engaged in them. I placed third at the regional BPA competition and moved on to the state competition. I have also placed at so many tennis tournaments, in and out of school, I stopped counting, but some include the Winter Slam and the Border

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