Discrimination In John Steinbeck's Of Mice And Men

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“We pledge ourselves to liberate all our people from the continuing bondage of poverty, deprivation, suffering, gender and other discrimination” (Nelson Mandela). The book, Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck, it gives many examples of discrimination throughout the book. The main type of examples are; mental and physical disabilities, women, and race or ethnicities. By showing these types of discrimination, John Steinbeck portrays different characters in the novel. Mental and physical disabilities were used to illustrate injustices upon Crooks, Candy and Lennie. Crooks and Candy have physical disabilities because Crooks has a crooked back and Candy doesn’t have a hand. Lennie has a mental disability. “You go on get outta my room. I ain’t wanted in the bunk house, and you ain’t wanted in my room” (pg.68). “Why ain’t you wanted?” Lennie asked. “Cause I’m black…” replied Crooks. “This is just a nigger talkin’, an’ a busted-back nigger. So it don’t mean nothing, see?” (pg.68). Crooks was the only person in the ranch that had his own room in the barn. The reason for that was because he was the only black in the ranch.…show more content…
Like George explains, Lennie is as strong as a bull. George heard Lennie’s whimpering cry and wheeled about, “Blubberin’ like a baby! A big guy like you!” Lennie’s lip quivered and tears started in his eyes. “Aw, Lennie!” George put his hand on Lennie’s shoulder. “I ain’t takin’ it away jus’ for meanness. That mouse ain’t fresh, Lennie and besides you’ve broke it pettin’ it. You get another mouse that’s fresh and I’ll let you keep it a little while.” When he sees something soft, it’s practically an instinct to go and pet it. Lennie is a very strong man, and can’t even control his strength when he is mad or
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