Personal Narrative: An Education

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An Education “You have such an interesting accent; where are you from,?” That is the question I have heard over and over again since I moved from Puerto Rico to Houston, Texas. Looking for a more challenging educational environment from the one I was exposed to back home, I made the courageous decision of moving with my aunt and uncle to the United States. From a very young age, I always had the desire to study in the United States, but I never believed the opportunity would present itself at such young age. Ultimately, the decision of pursuing a rigorous education was up to me, and although it was daunting to make of a decision of such caliber as a young child and to agree to live with other individuals that were not my parents, I believe…show more content…
It is true the reason for which I decided to leave my family and move was because I wished to challenge myself to the highest level possible, but never did I think that I would have as many hurdles as I did my freshman year of high school. This may sound completely ridiculous, but I still remember the first grade I received for a biology class, and I how destroyed was by it. However, this circumstance ignited me to realize that it was imperative for me to meticulously scrutinize the way I studied in order to ameliorate and become again the student I used to be. In the beginning I thought my ability to speak English was affecting me, but later I realized that if this was a determining factor in my performance in class, I had to challenge myself more, and for my sophomore year of high school, I decided to engage in more rigorous…show more content…
As a result, I began to show in interest in the medical field and after volunteering for numerous centers for those suffering from neurological disorders, such as Centro Renacer and Beyond Family, I came to the realization that I indeed wished to become a doctor. Therefore, I did extensive research on the career as a whole, which made me realize that the path of pursuing a career in medicine would be a strenuous one. Nevertheless, since I truly believed neurology would a great path for me for it grants the ideal platform to perform research, I made the decision to volunteer at multiple clinics and private practices in order to implement good reasoning, analytical, and communication
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