The Color Purple Critical Analysis

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The Color Purple is an attention grabbing novel from the get go. The novel is written through the eyes of Celie, a young black woman in America, she tells her stories through a series of letters, to God in the early part of the novel and to her younger sister Nettie in the latter part of this novel. This is an excellent novel and was noted in winning the 1983 Pulitzer Prize for Fiction. As a result of The Color Purple being written from a first person perspective a personal bond is created with the protagonist. Celie is a young girl who has fallen victim to her evil step-father who raped her repeatedly. In telling her she “better not never tell nobody but god” Celie begins telling her story by confiding in god her problems, “I am I have always been a good girl. Maybe you can give me a sign letting me know what is happening to me”. The early part of the novel in full is told through her letters to god. This is an example of how isolated Celie feels and how in need of a friend she is. Readers sympathise with Celie and are immediately intrigued in her story. Celie is arguably voiceless and disenfranchised in everyday society. However, through her letters Celie is enabled to break the silence that is normally imposed upon her. As the first series of…show more content…
Her spelling and grammar is poor and she tends to write as she would generally speak, “By the time I git all the children ready for school it be dinner time”, “Who her daddy, I blurt out”. Celie’s lack of education is another insight into the general outlook on women at the time, they were not seen as equal to men and sexism was common practice. By reading this book in the manner Celie talks we are able to relate more to her character and have a greater understanding of what life was like for a black girl living in America in the early

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