Personal Narrative: A Career In High School

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I was jealous at the simplicity of her life. For the majority of her life she lived in a place much different than mine, much more free. When she was a mere child, her days consisted of playing in the fields and making dolls out of corn husks, while I spent my day at school on my best behavior to avoid the reputation-killer of pulling my red card. As she transitioned into her teenage years, she spent her days helping her mom around the house because she was now old enough to take on more responsibilities. Her biggest challenge was making a dinner her father would enjoy, and the only narrow subject in her mind was boys. At the age of 14 however, boys were the last thing on my mind! I was in highschool, ready to join everything I could, particularly any club willing to take in a labeled “nerd”. I took on many responsibilities, due to my appreciable flaw of being overcommitted. I joined the Spanish Club, because of my idea that I was a very beautiful novela singer from the golden age of Mexican cinema.…show more content…
I also joined because I figured I can use my artistic skills and make the best rally posters. Later, I came to find that the posters were bigger than 20 feet! And I took on many other roles, in the Math Club, tennis, and I never thought I would be suitable for the job, but I became ASB President. I pushed myself to take AP courses and advance in as many classes as I could. I found myself particularly in love with calculus! When I was able to graph a rose on my calculator using an equation, I made up my mind that I was going to be a mathematician. I seemed to have changed majors about 15
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