Personal Narrative: My High School Career

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Out of the many achievements and awards that I have earned over my high school career, whether it's from fundraising or volunteering, my proudest one has to be winning the student award from my Earth Science teacher. This might not sound like my biggest award but this is a huge example to showcase the meaning that "it's the little things in life that matters the most". This "simple" award means a lot to me for many reasons. Out of the many achievements and awards that I have earned over my high school career, whether it's from fundraising or volunteering, my proudest one has to be winning the student award from my Earth Science teacher. This might not sound like my biggest award but this is a huge example to showcase the meaning that "it's…show more content…
In the start of the sophomore year, I was excited for school year and it kicked off with Earth Science being my 1st period class. The class started out swell, however I soon came to the realization that I had trouble learning. The teacher is an amazing man, but I had trouble with his teaching methods. I was frustrated at first with the class at first, but I used this frustrated energy for one more progressive. I started to have contact with another teacher who also teaches Earth Science and if I ever had trouble with any subject I would turn to her. With her help and intensive studying, I started to understand the material. Whenever given an assignment for class, I always work to over achieve. I also took advantage of every extra credit opportunities given. My Earth Science teacher noticed my work and he liked it. In May, I got the student award from him out of all of his Earth Science students and Physics students because of my meticulous work in his class. For this award to be given, the teacher only chooses one student from his or her classes in any type of grade level. And it was an honor to receive this award. My work in Earth Science payed off so much that I also ended up getting mastery on the Earth Science

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