Hsc300 Unit 1 Assignment

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On October 2nd, 2015 at approximately 3:00am. I, Investigator James Poffel was contacted by dispatch informing me to call Officer Galin Shultz in reference to a child sexual assault call he was out on. I called Officer Shultz and he told me he was dispatched to Eastar Hospital in reference to a sexual assault of a child. Once there he spoke with Registered Nurse, Emily Brown. He said Ms. Brown told him the three year old victim was brought to the emergency room with rectal bleeding. Ms. Brown did confirm that the three year olds rectum was in fact bleeding. Officer Shultz then spoke with the mother of the victim, Lakesha Bloomer. Ms. Bloomer is the mother of the victim, Zi’reon Perry. Ms. Bloomer informed Officer Shultz she got home from…show more content…
Mr. Walker said he was at a doctor’s appointment and could not bring him at the moment. I asked for Mr. Walker’s address so I could go and pick Eduardo up. Mr. Walker said Eduardo was with him at the appointment. He said his appointment would not take long and he would bring him in after his appointment. I waited approximately an hour and had not heard from Mr. Walker. I called him back asking where he was at. He said his appointment just finished and he would be right there. Approximately another 45 minutes passed and still he had not shown. I called Mr. Walker back and he told me his sister just came and got Eduardo and is running errands with him before she brings him in. At this point I tracked Mr. Walker’s address down in a law enforcement database system and went to his residence. Jessie was not home but I spoke with someone who was inside the house. They just woke up and told me they did not know Jessie had left but called him for me. I got on the phone and Jessie said he and his sister are bringing Eduardo to the police station right now. I went back to the police station and as I arrived I received a call from our records division advising me Eduardo and his family arrived to speak with

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