Personal Essay: The Person I Changed My Life

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Out of all the people in the world to admire the person I admire the most is my sister Kara. Before I met my sister things in life were different. The day that we received the phone call from her grandma is when I finally got to meet her. Since I have met my sister things have changed in a good way. We have made many joyful memories together. Before I met my sister I never tried anything new because I was afraid of failure. Almost everything hurt me especially when someone talked about me. It seemed like something was missing in my life. I knew about her but when it came to someone asking a question about her I felt like a bad person because I did not know anything about her except her name and her age. The worst part of not meeting her was the feeling that she did not want to meet me or get to know me. When I tried to get ahold of her it felt as if she was avoiding my phone calls. I continued to tell myself that she was busy and could not return my calls.…show more content…
When I finally met her I walked through the hospital door to see her laying there in the bed. It hurt me to watch her lay there but I knew that she was strong and could beat cancer because she is like my dad. After she beat cancer she went in to kidney failure which causes her to be on kidney dialysis every night so she does not get sick. While knowing Kara through all of this it taught me that if you fail at something do not quit because in the end you will accomplish the task. Another thing I learned from her is to live by a quote which says “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger”. Therefore she has changed my life and has also helped me become a better
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